
Quality Policy

The philosophy and objective of LEOTECH, an ISO 9002 company, is to ensure the utmost satisfaction of the customer in the quality of our products in their essential attributes of performance, price, delivery and service. The thrust of the management of the company is, therefore, to ensure the maintenance of the highest quality in the products right from its design stage to the delivery of the product to the customer.

With this as the basic policy, LEOTECH has built up an organization which ensures that every single product produced and supplied by the company meets the national/customer specifications. All the departments are headed by qualified and experienced officers who are periodically exposed to training programmers and seminars on specialized topics pertaining to manufacture and quality assurance to keep abreast of the changing technologies.

As mentioned in the earlier paragraph, LEOTECH firmly believes that the quality of the product cannot be assured by inspection alone but is born at the design stage itself and is built into the product at the various stages of material input, storage, processing right up to the stage of dispatch to the customer. The organization structure, the procedures and the personnel responsible at the various stages are so designed to ensure the quality of the final product and customer satisfaction.

LEOTECH, an ISO: 9002 company strictly adheres to the various procedures and plans laid down by the ISO to ensure sustained quality at all levels of operations.

However, we give in the following paragraphs a brief description of the activities of each stage.

Headed by a qualified Design Engineer with considerable experience in the design of telecommunication equipment and equipped with the state of the art equipment, instruments and other infra-structure, the Design Office prepares the designs right from the conception of the idea to the finalized designs meeting the specifications. The Design Department works in close collaboration with the production and quality assurance departments.

The Methods Department translates the design drawings into Work Instructions, Quality Plans and other documents enabling the production departments to manufacture. This Department also provides the work-station layouts, required jigs and fixtures, testing instruments etc,. in consultation with the Production and Quality Assurance Departments.

Vendors of materials, parts, components etc. are assessed for their capability to supply to our specifications/requirements in terms of quality and delivery. The assessment is done by a team consisting of the Head of quality, design engineer and purchase representative, by visiting the manufacture’s/sub- contractor’s works wherever possible or by getting a specially designed questionnaire being filled by the vendors, which will be scrutinised by the team for suitability.

So far as electronic components are concerned, certificates from approved testing agencies or ISO certification are also considered for quality suitability and a close watch is kept on sustained maintenance of quality. In some specific cases the customers, after extensive tests in their own laboratories, have approved the list of approved suppliers of components for use on the equipment ordered by them.

Procurement of any material (except for consumables like cotton-waste, lubricating oil etc.) from unapproved sources is totally prohibited. The Quality Assurance Department does a continuous monitoring to verify for consistent quality of supply.

Receipt of every incoming material is documented strictly in accordance with the procedure for correctness of receipt according to our Purchase Orders. Quality Plans are available for all the input materials (raw materials, fabricated parts and components) as a reference for conducting inspection. Any non-conformance from the specification is carefully studied for a decision to accept or reject. Extreme care is taken to keep the non-conformance materials segregated for further disposal. A regular feed-back is given to the vendor/sub-contractor.

Sufficient and suitable testing instruments have been provided to the Quality Assurance Department for the quality checks of incoming materials.

Much care is exercised while handling of the incoming materials during inspection/testing at the Inward Stage to avoid damage and deterioration of quality. Even materials supplied by the customer for integration into the product are tested and particular care is taken of such materials in storage and handling.

Accepted materials are stored in specified locations in the respective stores. The Store-keepers take all precautions to protect the materials in store from damage and deterioration. Wherever applicable, the ‘first-in first-out’ procedure is followed.

Quality Assurance Department does routine inspection of the stores to ensure that the materials are well preserved.

The manufacturing departments are equipped with the most modern machines, jigs and fixtures, inspection and testing equipment and material handling equipment.

Whether it is the processing of materials on machines or assembly of parts and components to manufacture the sub-assemblies and final product, detailed process sheets, work instructions and quality plans have been prepared for individual parts, sib-assemblies and final assemblies and these are strictly followed. These documents are based on the drawings/specifications and standard manufacturing practices which lead to a high quality of the final product.

A close inspection of the first-off parts/sub-assemblies, in-process inspection and testing culminating in the final inspection of the sub-assemblies/product, ensure adherence to quality at every stage of the production process and every activity is documented.

In accordance with the accepted management principle of an independent inspection, the Quality Assurance Department comes directly under the Chief Executive Officer.

The Quality Assurance Department, which has the prime responsibility of ensuring quality at all stages, is headed by a well qualified manager with years of experience and assisted by a team of qualified inspection staff. The responsibilities of the QA Department include visits to the Vendors’ premises wherever necessary and possible, and to Sub-Contractors works to study the capability of the firms to meet LEOTECH’s requirements in quality, quantity and timely delivery. The assessment is reviewed periodically based on the performance of the vendors and sub-contractors and when necessary by visiting their works.

As already stated every material which enters the factory is inspected/tested accordance with the associated specifications and quality plans and only those that meet the requirements are accepted.

The QA staffs have the authority to inspect the stores to ensure that the accepted materials are well preserved.

The QA department is responsible for inspecting the ‘first-off’ parts before bulk production is taken up, to conduct in-process inspection and the inspection/testing of the final product. The department is responsible to oversee the packing and dispatch of the products to the customers. This ensures the correctness of the items as per the customers’ orders, adequacy of packing and the despatch details.

The Quality Assurance Department does a continuous analysis of the non-conformance to quality at the various stages of production activity and gives a feed to the manufacturing departments and in certain cases to the Design Department.

Incoming materials, parts and components are periodically subjected to environmental testing according to specifications to ensure their performance under various atmospheric conditions encountered in their usage. LEOTECH has equipped itself with the state of the art equipment for environmental testing. Microprocessor controlled equipment subject the items through dry heat, cold temperature cycles, humidity, salt-spray, dust cycles etc. Sub-assemblies and assemblies are subjected to life-tests on custom-built testing equipment.

Wherever necessary, materials and products are tested at external approved testing laboratories.

The environmental testing is carried out on samples from the production runs at periodical but programmed intervals.

All measuring and testing equipment are sent to approve test-houses for calibration to ensure the accuracy of measurement. The periodicity of calibration is well defined and programmed and no measuring/testing equipment without a valid calibration certificate is used for any measurement.

The Marketing Department, in addition to its normal function of establishing a market for our products, is responsible for customer service. All feed back from the customers regarding quality, damages, delivery and other allied points are documented and handled by Marketing in consultation with the Quality Assurance Department. This department ensures that customer complaints are attended to with speed and to the satisfaction of the customer. An analysis of the faults reported by the customers is continuously done in consultation with Quality Assurance and Production Departments to determine and eliminate the causes of such defects.

The Chief Executive Officer holds a review meeting with the several heads of the departments to discuss various subjects pertaining the manufacturing activities. The main focus is the maintenance of the quality of our products and customer satisfaction. These meetings held in accordance with a set time-table ensures that the Quality Assurance Systems are well within the policy of the company.

The above brief description of the working processes of the company fully demonstrates the policy and commitment to quality of LEOTECH to assure the customer receives products of proven quality and service.

Quality Certification

  • Beyond Customer Satisfaction
  • Well established Quality Policy
  • Innovative processes & methodologies for manufacturing high quality products
  • Creating the comfort factor for the customer
  • ISO 9002 certification

Quality policy of LEOTECH GROUP

To ensure the utmost satisfaction of the customer in the quality of our products in their essential attributes of performance, price, delivery and service.